About Global Decency Index (GDI)

The Global Decency Index (GDI) is an index that aggregates decency and inspiration derived from decent fashion, directly or indirectly, between the girl child and woman leaders/elders from all walks of life. The index formula, invented by Decent Africa, Africa’s leading fashion aggregating brand, is a comprehensive tool that strives to promote decency and self-esteem among girl children by recording every unique fashion statement.

How it works

Followers of famous women, public figures, women leaders, and girls in school, among others, rate a given individual’s fashion decency out of 10. A panel of at least 20 expert fashion judges with high levels of integrity rate decent fashion styles out of 10. The results are combined for which each sector contributes a specific mark to the Global Decency Index (GDI).

Daily, monthly, and annual average GDI for a region are published.

Qualities for Decent Fashion

  1. Decent Fashion should be devoid of indecent exposure of body parts that are traditionally considered sensitive, e.g. breasts, thighs, etc.
  2. It must exude respect.
  3. It must not water down someone's integrity.
  4. Must be relevant to one profession, e.g. nature of job, school.
  5. Must be compatible with a particular event, e.g. party, traditional event, etc.